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Terms and conditions

These general conditions form an integral part of the travel program presented on our website, constituting, in the absence of an independent document, the travel contract.

The information is binding on the agency unless cumulatively:

The program expressly provides for this;

The changes to it are insignificant;

The change information is provided to the traveler in a durable medium;


These general conditions comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 17/2018 of March 8th.

The General Conditions whose purpose is an Organized Trip or Related Travel Service contained in the program, the corresponding standardized information sheets and the particular conditions contained in the travel documentation provided to the Traveler at the time of booking the trip constitute the binding travel contract the parts.

1. Organization

The organization of the trips included on this website and their marketing is the responsibility of Brito Bike Travel de Lino de Azevedo Brito, with headquarters at Rua do Aqueduto nº33, 4480-940 in Vila do Conde, NIF 216154758, telephone +351 965 426 705 , email

2. Reservations

Reservations can be made on our website on each tour page, by email to or directly by calling +351 965426705.


3. Registration

Brito Bike Travel reserves the right to cancel any registration for which payment has not been made under the conditions mentioned above. Reservations are subject to suppliers obtaining confirmation of all services.

4. Pricing

Our prices are subject to seasonal variable pricing, which is standard practice within the travel industry. This means that our prices may vary at any time, depending on demand, market conditions and availability. It is likely that different passengers on the same trip paid different prices. Once you receive a quote, the price will be locked in as long as the required deposit is paid before the quote expires. Any reduced prices or discounts that may become available after your deposit has been paid will not apply. If you wish to cancel your booking to take advantage of a cheaper price, full cancellation policies apply. The most up-to-date prices are available on our website.

5. Information under law no. 144/2015 of September 8

Pursuant to Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September in its current wording, we inform you that the Traveler may resort to the following Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entities:

i) Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center of the Porto District

Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center - Porto (CICAP)

Address: Rua Damião de Góis n.º 31, Loja 6, 4050-225 Porto
Telephone: 225 508 349

ii) Portuguese Tourism Arbitration Commission at

6. Responsibility

We undertake to carry out tours on time in accordance with the contracted terms;

Our leaflets/brochures were developed in cooperation with our partners and were based on evidence presented to us in good faith. We cannot be held responsible for any errors that may occur in typography or printing and we reserve the right to make any necessary changes with or without notice;

We are not responsible for any stolen, lost or forgotten objects inside our vehicles;

Our company cannot be held responsible for delays due to traffic or weather conditions;

We cannot be held responsible if, due to lack of prior notice, the hired vehicle cannot be used due to excess luggage or luggage of unusual dimensions;

Whenever there is a need for an imperative replacement of services contracted by others, due to unexpected reasons, although we are not responsible for this, we assume that the replacement is equivalent.


7. Authority on tour

Our group trips are run by a tour guide. The guide's decision is final on all matters that may affect the safety or well-being of any traveler or party member participating in the trip. If a decision made by a guide is not fulfilled or if a client interferes with the well-being or mobility of the group, the guide may direct you to leave the trip immediately, without refund. We may also choose not to carry you on future trips already booked. The customer must always comply with our country's laws, customs, foreign exchange and medicine regulations, as well as agree to travel in accordance with our responsible travel guidelines.

8. Risk acceptance

It should be considered that the nature of the trip is relaxed, but participation involves a degree of personal risk. It is your sole responsibility to familiarize yourself with all relevant travel information and the nature of your itinerary. The customer acknowledges that their decision to travel is made in light of consideration of this information and accepts that they are aware of the personal risks that accompany such travel.

9. Complaints

9.1 Any non-conformity in the performance of a travel service included in the package travel contract must be communicated to the organizing travel agency or retailer in writing or another appropriate form as soon as such non-conformity occurs, i.e. without undue delay.

9.2 The right to submit complaints for the purpose of price reduction or the right to compensation for lack of conformity of travel services included in the organized trip expires within 7 days.

9.3 A complaints book is available to the Traveler. To complain, simply request and you can also access electronically at, to do so, simply access with personal data.

10. Documentation

10.1. The Traveler must have their personal or family documentation in good order (identity card, military documentation, authorization for minors, visas, vaccination certificate and others that may be required). The agency declines any responsibility for refusing to grant visas or not allowing the Traveler to enter a foreign country; any and all costs that such a situation may entail are also the responsibility of the Traveler.

10.2. Travel in the European Union:

Travelers (regardless of age) traveling within the European Union must be in possession of their respective civil identification document (Passport; ID card, Citizen Card);

To obtain medical assistance, they must be in possession of the respective European Health Insurance Card;

Nationals of non-EU countries should consult specific information regarding the documentation required for travel at the embassies/consulates of their countries of origin;

11. Changes to be made by the agency

11.1. Whenever, before the start of the organized trip, (1) Brito Bike Travel is forced to significantly change any of the main characteristics of the travel services, (2) or is unable to meet the special requirements requested by the Traveler; (3) or propose to increase the price of the organized trip by more than 8%, the traveler may, within 7 days:

A – Accept the proposed change;

B – Terminate the contract, without any penalty, being reimbursed for the amounts paid;

C – Accept an organized replacement trip proposed by Brito Bike Travel, being reimbursed in case of price difference.

11.2. The lack of response from the traveler within the deadline set by Brito Bike Travel will imply tacit acceptance of the proposed change.

12. Refunds

Once the trip has started, no refund is due for services not used by the Traveler due to force majeure or reasons attributable to the Traveler, except for reimbursement by the respective suppliers. Failure to provide services provided for in the travel program for reasons attributable to Brito Bike Travel and if it is not possible to replace them with other equivalent ones, entitles the Traveler to be reimbursed for the difference between the price of the services provided and those actually provided.


13. Insurance


The responsibility of Brito Bike Travel, organizer of these programs and arising from the obligations assumed, is guaranteed by civil liability insurance with the Allianz Insurance company, policy no. 206887456, in the amount of €50,000.00 and in accordance with current legislation.

14. Validity

The programs presented on the website are valid until the last travel return date for each of them.

15. Privacy Policy

Any personal information we collect may be used for any purpose associated with operating a trip or to send marketing material in relation to our events and special offers. Information may be disclosed to our agents, service providers or other suppliers to enable us to operate the trip.

16. Photos and marketing

All images recorded during the trip may be used for promotional and advertising purposes in any media we choose. We are granted by the client a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use these images for advertising and promotional purposes.

17. Applicable Law

The laws of Portugal govern these Terms and Conditions to the maximum extent permitted. Any disputes related to a trip or these Terms and Conditions must be initiated in the jurisdiction of Porto and its District Court.


18. Final observations

National monuments are closed on public holidays;

Travelers must remain in their seats and with their seat belts fastened while the vehicle is in motion for safety reasons. Failure to do so could be dangerous due to sudden braking or on uneven pavement and cause injuries to travelers and others around them; Brito Bike Travel declines any constraints caused by non-compliance with the above;

Smoking is not permitted inside the vehicles;

The company closes on January 1st and December 25th.

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